About Stoicism

The name STOIC comes from Stoicism, one of the dominant philosophical systems of the Hellenistic period. Stoicism chooses happiness - a well-lived flourishing life- as the practical ultimate goal in life. 

What sets Stoics apart is where they find happiness: in living a virtuous life. 

And how is it achieved? This is best described by Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor, who became one of the best-known Stoic philosophers:

"Consider what nature wills, and let nothing else distract you. For your experience tells you how much you have strayed: nowhere in so-called reasonings, wealth, reputation, enjoyment, nowhere do you find living well. So where is it? In doing those things which human nature seeks. And how will one do these things? If one has principles from which [flow] one’s impulses and actions. Which principles? Those concerning goods and evils: that nothing is good for a human being which does not make them just, temperate, courageous, free; that nothing is bad, which does not make them the contraries of the aforementioned.”